nm (Executable link, 43kB) nmtui (Text User Interface for controlling NetworkManager) nm-applet (Network monitor and control GUI applet) nmtui-connect (Text User Interface for controlling NetworkManager) nm-connection-editor (Network connection editor for NetworkManager) nmtui-edit (Text User Interface for controlling NetworkManager) nm-online (Ask NetworkManager whether the network is connected) nmtui-hostname (Text User Interface for controlling NetworkManager) nmcli (Command-line tool for controlling NetworkManager)
译作连接,可理解为配置文件,相当于ifcfg-ethX。可以简写为nmcli c connection有2种状态: ▷ 活跃(带颜色字体):表示当前该connection生效 ▷ 非活跃(正常字体):表示当前该connection不生效
nmcli device
译作设备,可理解为实际存在的网卡(包括物理网卡和虚拟网卡)。可以简写为nmcli d device有4种常见状态: ▷ connected:已被NM纳管,并且当前有活跃的connection ▷ disconnected:已被NM纳管,但是当前没有活跃的connection ▷ unmanaged:未被NM纳管 ▷ unavailable:不可用,NM无法纳管,通常出现于网卡link为down的时候(比如ip link set ethX down)
# 查看ip(类似于ifconfig、ip addr) nmcli # 创建connection,配置静态ip(等同于配置ifcfg,其中BOOTPROTO=none,并ifup启动) nmcli c add type ethernet con-name ethX ifname ethX ipv4.addr ipv4.gateway ipv4.method manual # 创建connection,配置动态ip(等同于配置ifcfg,其中BOOTPROTO=dhcp,并ifup启动) nmcli c add type ethernet con-name ethX ifname ethX ipv4.method auto # 修改ip(非交互式) nmcli c modify ethX ipv4.addr '' nmcli c up ethX # 修改ip(交互式) nmcli c edit ethX nmcli> goto ipv4.addresses nmcli ipv4.addresses> change Edit 'addresses' value: Do you also want to set 'ipv4.method' to 'manual'? [yes]: yes nmcli ipv4> save nmcli ipv4> activate nmcli ipv4> quit # 启用connection(相当于ifup) nmcli c up ethX # 停止connection(相当于ifdown) nmcli c down # 删除connection(类似于ifdown并删除ifcfg) nmcli c delete ethX # 查看connection列表 nmcli c show # 查看connection详细信息 nmcli c show ethX # 重载所有ifcfg或route到connection(不会立即生效) nmcli c reload # 重载指定ifcfg或route到connection(不会立即生效) nmcli c load /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX nmcli c load /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-ethX # 立即生效connection,有3种方法 nmcli c up ethX nmcli d reapply ethX nmcli d connect ethX # 查看device列表 nmcli d # 查看所有device详细信息 nmcli d show # 查看指定device的详细信息 nmcli d show ethX # 激活网卡 nmcli d connect ethX # 关闭无线网络(NM默认启用无线网络) nmcli r all off # 查看NM纳管状态 nmcli n # 开启NM纳管 nmcli n on # 关闭NM纳管(谨慎执行) nmcli n off # 监听事件 nmcli m # 查看NM本身状态 nmcli # 检测NM是否在线可用 nm-online
Before moving forward, you’ll need to have Docker Machine and VirtualBox installed. Once you have VirtualBox and Docker Machine installed, it’s just one command to get RancherOS running.
type AutoScalingWorker struct { MinWorker int MaxWorker int QueueDepth int CurrentWorker int Process Process Queue chaninterface{} Interval time.Duration
auto worker: 0 QueueDepth: 60 auto worker: 2 QueueDepth: 79 auto worker: 3 QueueDepth: 89 auto worker: 4 QueueDepth: 89 auto worker: 5 QueueDepth: 49 auto worker: 5 QueueDepth: 0 auto worker: 3 QueueDepth: 0 auto worker: 2 QueueDepth: 0 auto worker: 1 QueueDepth: 0 auto worker: 0 QueueDepth: 150 auto worker: 1 QueueDepth: 149 auto worker: 2 QueueDepth: 138 auto worker: 3 QueueDepth: 118 auto worker: 4 QueueDepth: 88 auto worker: 5 QueueDepth: 48 auto worker: 4 QueueDepth: 0 auto worker: 3 QueueDepth: 0 auto worker: 2 QueueDepth: 0 auto worker: 1 QueueDepth: 0 auto worker: 0 QueueDepth: 0